Sunday, 15 March 2015

That's right!, Do you have loads of films stored on your PC? or do you own a Network Drive (NAS)? Then why not create your very own Netflix style media browser.

This 'How to Guide' will show you how to set up your very own Netflix style media browser that will work on your PC, This guide will also advise you how you can then use this on your Windows / Andriod / IOS mobile's (Even when your not in your house!)

I should point out that using this feature on your mobile will use your data allowance and you should consult your mobile operator about charges or your allowance limit.


If your thinking i cant do this its to technical, Your wrong! It couldn't be easier. This is how easy it is!

First of all lets head over Media Browser ( and download the software needed. You will need to download 2 things. First of all you need to select a server. You can select one to suit your machine. In this guide i am doing it on a Windows 8.1 Machine.

Installing the Media Server

Once this has downloaded select your 'Living Room App' in this case we are going to download the Media Browser Theater.

Now it's time to get things started. Before we do anything you need to install the Media Browser Server. This is whats going to store all the details of your media on your device. Once launched you should see something like this:

Once this is finishes a window will open up in your browser asking you to set up your server. So here's what you need to do.

First things first set your language, Once this is done you should be faced with the following screen:

Enter your first name in the top box and your Media Browser account username at the bottom. You can use this software without having to register. However if you wish to use this while out and about one of these accounts are needed.

Now this is done its time to set up your different types of media for the server. This guide will show videos only but you can set up images and music in the same way.

Select your content type as Movies and then give it any name you wish. Once this is done you will then be asked to provide a location. Once you click okay you will see another screen asking you to provide a location. This guide shows me adding my Network drive (NAS) as the location. However any location will do fine.

Once you have selected your location you will be asked you set some config settings. For this you want to make sure both options are ticked.

This is it. The basics of this server is now set up. You should then be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of using the software and then presented with a Your Done! screen. Once you are signed in you should be seeing something like this:

Now the server is up and running its time to set some settings. Click on Metadata (a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.). The basics will already have been set up during the installation. Click on the services tab. Make sure all the below are ticked.

For the image settings i have chosen this. You can however tick which ones you want and don't want.

Click save to save these settings.Your server is now ready to use!

Installing the Media Browser

So the server is ready but how do we access this server? From a windows PC this would be Media Browser Theater, You should have downloaded this along with the server. Run the install for this. You should see this at the start up.

Once this goes the software will load. As long as the server is set up right you should then be looking at this screen.

You will notice the name you stated at the beginning of the server installation. Select this user and you will be taken to the home screen.

It should look a bit like this.

You will notice that not all the movies have a cover on them yet. Depending on how many films you have will depend on how long it will take to retrieve this information.(This is automatic so you don't need to do anything)

From here it will display any new movies added to the collection (All you have to do is place the movie into a folder you had selected at the time of installing the server and the software will do it all by itself.

Select the Movies tile from the bottom right hand corner. Once all movie information is downloaded you should see something like this:

Pretty cool huh!? But there's more. Select your movie! and more information will appear.

From here you can play your movie or watch a trailer. All information on your movies is provided by 2 sources. IMDB and TheMovieDB

Accessing Your Server via Your Mobile Device

Go to your mobile store and search for 'Media Browser'. If you have linked your media server with your Media Browser account then once you sign in your server details should be stored and displayed on screen.

If you have not linked your account you can do this by right clicking on the icon in your task bar and selecting Configure Media Browser. This will open up a window in your internet browser. From the menu on the left select users. Click on the user you wish to link the account with, This will bring up more options.

Once you are registered and you server is linked you should receive an e-mail asking you to confirm the link. Once confirmed the server on your PC will be accessible outside of your house.

Things you should be aware of!

During installation of this software you may receive a notification from your firewall to allow access. This is required in order to work so please remember to select yes.


This guide is intended to help you to setup a media browser so its just like Netflix. The software used in this blog is a 3rd party software. I am not responsible for this software and you use at your own risk,

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